Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Writing 3 (blog posts) for Crit 2

So, we had our first critique awhile ago. It was fun to finally see so many of my classmates' works in person. As for my own work, I think the ten comic pages I did went over well. Jamie had a couple comments about a few panel compositions and some suggestions for changes that I intend to follow. My classmates said they really liked how I drew my characters' hair and expressions. There were a couple anatomy errors that they noticed, some of which I knew about and others that I hadn't. Glad the latter got pointed out. :D

For this upcoming critique, I'll be bringing eight pages of a different idea for a webcomic. I'm trying to pay closer attention to anatomy (which is proving tricky with a character that has animal anatomy, something I'm not used to drawing). I'm also trying to come up with more interesting compositions. Another new thing for me to puzzle over is how to convey action in a comic. I've never done fight scenes before, and trying to show movement in a still picture is very difficult for me.  Here are a couple preview images:

For the creatures in this webcomic, I'll be drawing a lot of inspiration from horror-based sources, but particuarly from Stephen Gamell, who is best known for his child traumatizing illustrations in the "Stories to tell in the dark" series of books. Here are a few of them:

Even years after first seeing those pictures as a kid, they still freak me out.  :)

So, for this post I'd like to direct your attention to the blog of another one of my classmates. Her name is Gaga, and she does some really interesting things with non-traditional materials:


I like how she takes mundane items and connects them in a unique way. I also think her jewelry is adorable. ^_^

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